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National Union of Students Votes to Support 100% Plant-Based Catering at University Campuses

  • On 16-17/4/24, the National Union of Students UK (NUS) held its National Conference in Blackpool, where delegates represented around seven million students across the UK.

  • The “Food, Funding, and Shelter: Defending Students’ Right to Basic Human Rights” policy included an amendment that called on the NUS to “campaign for university catering to transition towards 100% plant-based” and for NUS Services Limited catering to “provide fully plant-based catering provision for universities who want to transition” [1].

  • NUS delegates from affiliated Students’ Unions across the UK voted on this, alongside several other motions put forward at the conference.

Plant-Based Universities is delighted at the news that an amendment to support “plant-based campuses” as they are the most “affordable, most inclusive, most accessible and the healthiest” university catering option was passed after being added onto the Food, Funding, and Shelter policy at the NUS National Conference.

Nathan McGovern, Plant-Based Universities Co-Founder said:

“It is incredible to see the National Union of Students vote to step up and push for no-nonsense and effective climate solutions. We commend all the delegates, elected officers, and full-time staff in the organisation for taking this bold move in the right direction.

Plant-Based Universities looks forward to building relationships with the National Union of Students to work together in making this change across the UK’s higher education sector.”

The motion aimed to improve affordability, accessibility, and quality of food - whilst also ensuring healthy and sustainable menus for students across the UK.

Imogen Clemett, NUS Birmingham Delegate and Plant-Based Universities Birmingham Coordinator said:

“It’s wonderful to see the National Union of Students is leading the way once again. This motion not only tackles climate, but is a real step towards addressing the cost-of-living crisis that is destroying the student experience for many.

Students have historically driven social change, and I’m proud that we can be part of that once more - creating a better university system and society”

Plant-Based Universities, an Animal Rising campaign, is an international initiative of students who are pushing for their universities and student unions to adopt 100% plant-based catering [3]. The group claims that universities have an obligation to follow the scientific research that they produce, detailing the environmental impacts of animal farming and fishing. The campaign is active in over 80 institutions, with the group encouraging interested students to sign up to run local campaigns.


Word Count: 405

For interviews or further comment please contact:

Nathan: +44 1225 6691

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Notes To Editors:


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